Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Holiday Weight Gain

Well, it's that time of year again.  Those of us who on the one hand, love all those wonderful and special foods that only come around once a year during holiday season, but on the other hand, dread the inevitable holiday weight gain.  It's an age-old dilemma.  And with obesity rates in America at an all-time high, it's a battle with which so many of us struggle.

Given that the conventional wisdom of "eat less and exercise more" doesn't seem to be working, I went in search of some new and perhaps alternative, maybe even kooky, ways of managing this difficulty issue so fraught with feelings of guilt and failure.

Here are some things I found.  What the heck, what we are doing isn't working, so perhaps we could try something new this year? Lets take a look....

1)  Guilt and Food......two things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other! We inflict this on ourselves.  And while we're at it- punishing yourself for overeating, by eating more food....well....let's try to quit that habit too.  Listen to your self talk, own it, change it, repeat as needed. :)

2) Deprivation doesn't make you feel good, and eating until you feel uncomfortable with a belly ache really isn't fun either.  A friend of mine wrote this blog entry and I think it's great!

Hey Listen, you don't have to gain weight during the holidays.

3) On facebook, "Like" the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.  They publish some really interesting videos and while some of them may seem a little bit kooky, others of them ask questions that may help you gain a more healthful relationship with food. Here's an example I quite like.  Spiritual Lessons We can Learn from Weight

And lastly, if you do happen to gain a few pounds, see 1), follow 2) and 3) and deal with it as a little bump in the road.  This life is a journey, not a destination, after all!

If you have any tips that help you during this time, I'd love to hear from you!