Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Do I really HAVE to eat breakfast?

I get this question a lot and the short answer is "No". You don't HAVE to do anything! But let's talk about why breakfast is a good idea and perhaps you might come to a different conclusion! I also have some ideas for what you can eat in the morning that would suffice.

Studies show that people who eat breakfast weigh less. Studies also show that children who eat breakfast perform better in school in terms of academic success, concentration and test scores. Metabolically speaking, eating in the morning really does "break the fast" that we experience while we sleep. After our overnight fast our body does not have any more ready-to-burn "fuel" available, so if we don't top up by eating something, our body will not be able to perform at it's best. Sort of like a car running on an almost empty tank of gas!  A recent study also found that people who eat breakfast, lower their risk if developing diabetes by 21%!

The most common objections I get to eating breakfast are;
  1. I'm not hungry when I wake up
  2. When I eat breakfast it makes me hungrier for the rest of the day and I think I eat more
  3. I don't have time!
It's ok!! There are some easy strategies you can deploy if you decide to try eating breakfast to improve your health and sense of well-being!

First, it's really common to not feel hungry right after you wake up, so don't push it. How about drinking something instead? Try a latte or an ice coffee from your favorite coffee shop! Milk is an excellent source of calcium and Vitamin D, and contains protein and calories to get you started for the day. You can also wait an hour or so until you warm up to food - just try to eat something as soon as you are able.  For the more nutritionally adventurous among you, try a Carnation Instant Breakfast, Ensure shake or any other type of smoothie. This tip also works for #2 above - since technically, you aren't actually chewing on anything.

If your excuse is that you just don't have time.....planning ahead is key! Pack little breakfast snacks in convenient places! This also works if you just aren't hungry when you first wake up and rush out the can grab one of your snacks during the morning when you feel you **can** stomach food. Do you have a long commute? Pack a banana and a granola bar in your briefcase so you can snack while traveling. Do you walk or catch the bus to school? Pack a string cheese, crackers and an apple. Does breakfast food just not get you interested enough to bother? Try some trail mix (nuts and dried fruit), make a sandwich or take a leftover piece of pizza with you!

There is always a way to fit breakfast into your lifestyle. The real question is, is your health and well-being important enough to you to work on it? I look forward to hearing how you plan to fit breakfast into your day!

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