What are we talking about today? You guessed it, fish!
There was an interested article from UT Southwestern recently, discussing the benefits of Omega 3 capsules to prevent heart attacks. Basically, we have been a little overzealous in thinking Omega 3's might help in this area. A better idea that we know to be effective is to eat fish 2-3 times per week. We know that a Mediterranean diet with plenty of veggies and fish is associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
This topic sometimes causes wrinkled noses and "I don't like it" responses. And in honest truth, it is HARD to find good fish in Dallas, Texas. We are a landlocked city and a LONG way from the coast, after all!
So let's get specific about what types of fish. Sorry folks, but, catfish, tilapia and shrimp, the mainstays of American restaurant menus, don't help you. They contain negligible amounts of Omega 3. They are low in fat so that's great, but they don't provide Omega 3's like Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, Tuna, Cod and Sardines do.
So where can you find fish in a palatable form in Dallas? Here's my recommendations based on many many years of market testing! :)
1) By far, the best place to find good quality fish in the Dallas area is H-Mart. Yes it might be a little overwhelming to you given the foreign language writing on labels and unusual (to Americans) Asian fruits and veggies, but I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart, it's worth a little adventure to get the best quality and best priced fish in town. I can personally vouch for the fresh Cod, Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel and Snapper. And if the product at the counter looks a little dodgy to you -- just ask if there is any fresh "in the back". They are very proud of their fresh fish and will get you the freshest product they have!
2) Whole Foods is a good second choice option for fresh Salmon. I typically won't buy any other fish there but it's possibly ok.
3) When in doubt and in desperation, always buy FROZEN. I know, it might sound weird, but seriously folks we live a long way from the coast and there is NOTHING fresh about "fresh fish" in this town (except see 1).....they do it really well!).
4) No matter where you buy fish from, always check country of origin. I recommend buying wild or farmed fish from USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand. I do not recommend buying ANY fish from any other places....the regulations for farming and antibiotic treatments are lax in most parts of the world and sea quality (given untreated sewage discharge) may be questionable.
5) Lastly, see post title. :)
That about covers it, but always feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns!
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